Creating live USB keys in Windows

Luke Macken lmacken at
Mon Feb 4 18:01:51 UTC 2008

On Mon, Feb 04, 2008 at 08:28:13PM +0530, Kushal Das wrote:
> On Sunday 03 February 2008 01:37:57 pm Luke Macken wrote:
> > Indeed, the code is nice and object-oriented, so throwing a gui on top
> > of it shouldn't be too difficult.
> I just created a very small GUI for it in PyQt. You can try it from 

Nice work, Kushal!

Of course, it figures that I wrote a good chunk of a PyGTK gui last
night, only to wake up to see someone else wrote a PyQT one instead :)
Totally fine by me, though.

Some things I did differently:
- I had a text field next to a "Browse" button for the ISO.  This field
  is pre-populated if an ISO exists in the current directory.  In your
  GUI, there is no distinction as to whether an ISO has been selected or
  not, which may confuse some Windows users :)
- I started taking the progress-bar approach, but that turns out to be a
  bit more difficult to calculate than expected.  Your console textarea
  seems sufficient for now.

Out of the box, it complained that it was missing msvcp71.dll.  After
copying that file to the directory, it seemed to render fine.  Ideally,
py2exe should be sucking this in for us.

When trying to run the tool, a DOS window quickly pops up and
disappears, and I get the error message: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'F:\\isolinux\\isolinux.cfg'

I have yet to look at or apply your patch, but at a first glance this
looks like it has a lot of potential.  Thanks!

So, I should probably create a fedorahosted project for this, so we can
have multiple people hacking on different parts.  Anyone have any
suggestions for a name other than 'livecd-iso-to-usb' ?


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