Orphaning packages: mhash, aide

Michael Schwendt mschwendt.tmp0701.nospam at arcor.de
Fri Feb 8 02:45:42 UTC 2008

I've released ownership of the following Fedora packages in rawhide,
F-8 and F-7:


AIDE ( http://sourceforge.net/projects/aide ) is a piece of software I
no longer use. It can be built without mhash, btw.

libmash officially is no longer under active development. The original
authors have withdrawn from the "AUTHORS" file in CVS meanwhile. Its
development list has been extremely quiet for many months. Picking the
right upstream releases has not been easy several times and required
careful testing. So, in case upstream will resume doing releases, it may
require more than to bump'n'build the Fedora package.

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