Orphaning packages: athcool, gajim, htop, hunky-fonts, inotify-tools, python-sqlite2, qps, yakuake

Dawid Gajownik gajownik at gmail.com
Sun Feb 10 16:46:43 UTC 2008

	Sorry, I have to orphan these packages:

* athcool -- Enables/disables Powersaving mode for AMD processors
* gajim -- Jabber client written in PyGTK
* htop -- Interactive process viewer
* hunky-fonts -- Modified Bitstream Vera fonts with additional letters
* inotify-tools -- Command line utilities for inotify
* python-sqlite2 -- DB-API 2.0 interface for SQLite 3.x
* qps -- Visual process status monitor
* yakuake -- Terminal emulator for KDE

I'm overworked and I don't have time to maintain them in the proper way. 
Actually I should have done it months ago... Sorry for not being 

	Dawid Gajownik

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