Anaconda needs new locale thinking. (was Re: How important are ISO standards to Fedora?)

Christian Rose menthos at
Fri Feb 15 00:04:51 UTC 2008

On 2/15/08, Christian Rose <menthos at> wrote:
>  To make it more clear: This is about modifying Anaconda to distinguish
>  LANGUAGE from LOCATION, instead of making some messed up assumption
>  about the latter from the former.
>  You're right that not all use cases would be solved by this. And
>  probably they shouldn't all be solved in Anaconda either. But by
>  differentiating LANGUAGE (affecting LANG and LC_MESSAGE settings) from
>  LOCATION (affecting most other LC_* settings) in Anaconda, we'd come a
>  long way in sorting this mess out for the majority of use cases.

To further expand on this: The above separation is essentially what
Windows does by default and has done for several years (I beleive this
was introduced starting with Windows 2000). If you install an American
English copy of Windows, the Windows installer will let you alter the
"Regional Settings" during install time, affecting numbers, currency,
time and date display, measurement system etc. right from the
Installer. By picking the "Swedish" option from the list in the
Installer, you will end up with an American English Windows, but with
all those regional settings set to their Swedish counterparts.


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