Git has too many freaking dependencies

Olivier Galibert galibert at
Fri Feb 15 16:39:57 UTC 2008

On Fri, Feb 15, 2008 at 11:13:45AM -0500, Yaakov Nemoy wrote:
> Hey list,
> Before I go and submit a bug, I would like to ask why git requires
> that i install so many dependencies?  Apparently, to manage files, git
> requires no less than CVS, Subversion, emacs-common and emacs-git, and
> tk.  Below is a log from yum.  I'm not complaining too much as I will
> need these tools too, but it strikes me as very odd that git requires
> that I have not only a working kitchen sink, but a dishwasher, and
> servants to load it every day.
> ---> Package git.i386 0: set to be updated
> --> Processing Dependency: git-cvs = for package: git
> --> Processing Dependency: git-email = for package: git
> --> Processing Dependency: emacs-git = for package: git
> --> Processing Dependency: git-arch = for package: git
> --> Processing Dependency: gitk = for package: git
> --> Processing Dependency: git-gui = for package: git
> --> Processing Dependency: git-core = for package: git
> --> Processing Dependency: perl-Git = for package: git
> --> Processing Dependency: git-svn = for package: git

"git" is a dummy/virtual package that you use when you want all the
possible subpackages.  That includes:
- gitk -> needs tk
- some gui tools (git-gui) -> needs tk
- svn converter support (git-svn) -> needs svn
- cvs converter support (git-cvs) -> needs cvs, cvsps
- emacs mode (emacs-git) -> needs emacs
- arch converter support (git-arch) -> needs tla (aka arch)

For normal use, you want git-core and probably gitk.  The others can
be handy at times, especially git-svn.


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