Incompatible Unison update

Christopher Aillon caillon at
Thu Feb 21 21:41:07 UTC 2008

On 02/21/2008 04:15 PM, Andrew Farris wrote:
> I've used unison for awhile, and quite frankly this happens all the 
> time.  To handle consistent sync you need to match the versions being 
> used on both sides exactly and keep them there.  I've had it break 
> numerous times changing versions within 'compatible' version ranges.  
> Changing those versions means you have to take what currently exists and 
> assume it is in sync the first time you run the new version.  This is 
> just how things have been going with unison.

For the record, that sounds dumb and a reason to strongly consider rsync 
or something else instead of unison.

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