Palm handhelds *nearly* working again in Fedora: a plea for some (HAL) help

David Hollis dhollis at
Tue Feb 26 13:10:21 UTC 2008

On Tue, 2008-02-26 at 11:02 +0000, Kevin Page wrote:
> Apologies if this seems impatient or if I'm treading on anyones toes. If
> anyone is already on the case a simple acknowledgement would be very
> re-assuring. We're tantalisingly close to fixing a 3 year old bug, but
> it's been taken as far as those directly involved can. Help!

FWIW, I just went through this bug yesterday when I tried to sync my
Palm for the first time in a few months (had been using the visor method
which seemed to work about 50% of the time).  Since
pilot-link-0.12.2-17.fc8 had been installed in early Feb and blacklisted
visor, I found that I had 0% success.  Going through the bugzilla and
changing over to libusb and planting the corrected HAL/PolicyKit files
got me going.  Now I no longer need the udev rules, or any fancy perm
files.  It does just work.  On the downer side, gpilotd seems to enjoy
crapping out when syncing memos.  Restarting it and syncing again lets
everything sync properly.  I haven't dug into whats causing that just
yet since I was happy to at least get a complete sync.

David Hollis <dhollis at>

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