f8 gripe#2: why did f8's pm-hibernate regress?

Douglas McClendon dmc.fedora at filteredperception.org
Wed Jan 2 05:53:09 UTC 2008

Till Maas wrote:
> On Mi Januar 2 2008, Douglas McClendon wrote:
>> Can someone tell me if there is anything I can do to de-regress f8's
>> pm-hibernate?
> pm-utils hibernation code does not differ much between f7 and f8.
>> My analysis is pure speculation based on my understanding of how you can
>> tune that behaviour with suspend2(tux-on-ice).  But it is very noticable
>> and very annoying and very clearly a f7->f8 change.
> I guess it is then a change in the kernel, but afaik the f7 and f8 kernel are 
> very similiar, too.

Again, mainly I posted this to see if anyone else is noticing the same 

Basic behavior: I keep several main apps open in multiple desktops, 
often hotkey switching between desktops.  First thing I do on resume is 
often cycle through my desktops (thunderbird, firefox, gnome-terminal, 

In F7, cycling would be as responsive after resume as immediately prior. 
  Now with F8, it thrashes reading from disk for a couple seconds 
between each desktop/application switch.  Very gross.

And suspend2(tux-on-ice) does have an explicit config variable you can 
tune, if you actually want to optimize for hibernation speed rather than 
post-resume performance.  So my reaction was that the non-user-tweakable 
version in fedora's suspend1 must have changed from f7-f8.  Yes, kernel. 
  But I figure I'd gripe here since I was in the mood to gripe.  I'm 
still hoping I can get someone else here to confirm/deny the significant 
change in behavior, and better yet explain, and better yet, explain how 
to revert.


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