Pulse Audio 0.9.8 - upgrade?

drago01 drago01 at gmail.com
Sun Jan 13 10:02:59 UTC 2008

Lennart Poettering wrote:
> On Thu, 10.01.08 22:19, Warren Togami (wtogami at redhat.com) wrote:
>>> changes are not really suited for an updated package for an already
>>> released distribution, since they are almost exclusively new features,
>>> and only very few relevant bugfixes. I guess this is the classical 
>>> distribution dilemma: are the new
>>> features or the stability more important? Whatever way I decide, I'll
>>> make some people unhappy.
>> We don't currently have even stability, so it really isn't a choice a 
>> between the two.
>> It sounds like 0.9.8 doesn't have relevant stability fixes, and perhaps the 
>> desire to upgrade to 0.9.8 is misguided because it really wouldn't help?
> Yes, that's basically what I am suggesting.
new features (if they don't break stuff, come with an incomaptible 
API/ABI) are reasons for a update too. (maybe not for RHEL or debian but 
for distors like fedora).

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