An interesting read when discussing what to do about our bugs...

Jon Stanley jonstanley at
Fri Jan 18 18:55:17 UTC 2008

2008/1/18 Jesse Keating <jkeating at>:

Read and taken to heart.  While I *am* posting metrics on our bug
situation, I also understand that doing things just to get those
numbers down serves no goal that we want to achieve.   Instead, the
primary motivation for the metrics is to allow potential and current
triagers to rise above the "suck threshold" as John Poelstra pointed
out - contributors need to see the fact that they are making a
difference.  I think that my goals and those purportedly held by
Ubuntu are two very different things - Ubuntu wants to close bugs for
the sake of closing bugs, I want to make sure things get fixed and the
distribution can improve because of that.  The most important thing is
that no users have the experience referenced in the above post.

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