An interesting read when discussing what to do about our bugs...

Jeff Spaleta jspaleta at
Sun Jan 20 05:36:52 UTC 2008

On Jan 19, 2008 9:23 AM, nodata <lsof at> wrote:
> I'm talking about closing the bug and telling the reporter to report
> upstream, i.e. "go away".

As a package maintainer, what would you like me to do in situations
where I need the reporter to talk to upstream?  Should I just pat you
on the head and promise to fix it, even though I can't?  If I can't
even reproduce the problem with my hardware, or its a feature request
that needs to be discussed as part of an upstream development what
exactly are the better choices than encouraging you to take your case
to upstream?

-jef"I'm no Seth"spaleta

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