BIND less restrictive modes and policy

Adam Tkac atkac at
Mon Jan 21 11:57:38 UTC 2008

Hi all,

I'm going to do major revision of bind's file modes. Currenly We have
many files readable only by root and I can't see any reason why keep
binaries unreadable and unexecutable by other users. Also there isn't
any reason why keep configuration private. Only this files should not
be readable by other users:
- /etc/rndc.key - who has it may control server through rndc utility
- /var/log/named.log - will have sensitive information

All other will be readable for all. Also complete /var/named/* subtree
will be writable by named (for generating core files, DDNS updates,
secondary servers, generally for easier configuration).

Has anyone arguments against such change?

Regards, Adam

Adam Tkac, Red Hat, Inc.

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