wiki strangeness

Patrice Dumas pertusus at
Mon Jan 21 16:27:48 UTC 2008

On Mon, Jan 21, 2008 at 02:53:08PM +0100, Valent Turkovic wrote:
> Easier said than done.
> I looked at man page and at pungi online documentation and I can't
> find relevant info on how to make rawhide just how to make fedora 8
> custom versions.
> Also I can't find any resource (google included) with relevant info -
> how much space is needed to make "default" build of latest fedora and
> of latest rawhide. Are there any blogs that are under google's radar
> that you know of that show the process of making iso files using
> pungi.

I didn't find many docs either when I wanted to try to do a spin. the
process is rather straightforward, however.

Install pungi.
Copy /usr/share/pungi/rawhide-fedora.ks.
Tweak it to your liking.
And then run 
pungi -c myksfile.ks
in an empty directory where everything (except the cache in /var/cache)
will be created.

The disk space required is big. I am not user that asome data about this
size makes much sense since it is subject to changes.

The pungi man page explains how to customize the strings associated with
the iso.


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