long term support release

Dmitry Butskoy buc at odusz.so-cdu.ru
Wed Jan 23 11:48:16 UTC 2008

David Mansfield wrote:
> I'm fairly new to this list so if this is flame-bait, then I apologize.
> I was wondering whether there is any possibility of having the
> occasional 'long term support' (LTS) release of Fedora (say one every
> two years or something) so that users can settle down with the distro
> and actually become productive with it.  

Well, I actually use Fedora in a strong production environment (power 
control office). The current policy (the EOL of F<n> is one month after 
the F<n+2>) provides me one year LTS (assuming the release is per 
half-year). Thus I just skip one release, i.e. FC1-->FC3-->FC5-->F7 .

One-year LTS is an acceptable compromise for me. But ideally, from the 
"production" point of view, I would prefer 9-month cycle (and hence 
1.5year LTS) ...

Dmitry Butskoy

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