space on the live cds

Douglas McClendon dmc.fedora at
Sun Jan 27 21:46:41 UTC 2008

John Reiser wrote:

> After that, why does Fedora not use compression like KNOPPIX?
> Using the cloop device with gzip fits a filesystem of about 1.2GB
> onto a CD-ROM, while lzma often can squeeze in another 15% or more.

Boot up the f8 livecd and do a df -h.  2+G.  Fedora uses squashfs on an 
ext3 fsimg.  Ubuntu gets a bit better because they use unionfs with 
squashfs native (but only about 5% better).  I'm sure fedora will use 
lzma if/when that squashfs patch gets into fedora's packages.

(and in the name of full disclosure, when I recently complained about 
the size of selinux, I said something like 100MB.  I think that may 
actually be true, given experiments I made removing it, and related 
dependencies, though 50M is what I see with packages named 
selin*&setro*.  And those numbers are from the uncompressed (out of 
2.1G) size of the livecd, not the compressed size).


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