kernel build failures.

Nicolas Mailhot nicolas.mailhot at
Mon Jul 7 08:42:24 UTC 2008

Le Dim 6 juillet 2008 23:36, Dave Jones a écrit :

> I believe what's happening here is that the builders don't have access
> to the internet, so it's failing to download the DTD.
> This has been the case always though, so I'm
> not sure why it started failing now.  Perhaps xmlto only recently
> started trying to retrieve the DTD ?
> I'm not sure how to go about fixing this.

The correct way is to have a local copy which is referenced in an xml
catalog and used by the xml tools. Documentation sources need not be
modified if the XML tools are written properly. (Auto-downloading is
generally considered a tool bug.)

The docbook dtds are packaged in Fedora so you only need to add this
package to BRs, and use XML tools smart enough to use the XML catalog
entries this package installs.

Nicolas Mailhot

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