[RFC Fedora 10] kill pam_console

Bill Nottingham notting at redhat.com
Wed Jul 9 19:23:36 UTC 2008

We've carried both pam_console and HAL-based ACL support for a while
now. It's time to cut the cord and remove pam_console, so we only
have one way of setting device permissions to worry about.

Here's the list of packages that still contain pam_console configuration
that would need migrated:

pam	(tmraz at redhat.com)

em8300	(ville.skytta at iki.fi)

jfbterm	(mtasaka at ioa.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp)

libmtp	(triad at df.lth.se)

libnjb	(triad at df.lth.se)

thinkfinger	(silfreed at silfreed.net)

vdr	(ville.skytta at iki.fi)

dfu-programmer	(weston_schmidt at alumni.purdue.edu)

piklab	(cgoorah at yahoo.com.au)

These all seem like they'd be reasonable to fix. Does anyone
see this as a problem?


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