strace trap tool needed?

John Reiser jreiser at
Fri Jul 25 02:55:07 UTC 2008

> strace -o /tmp/less.strace /usr/bin/less

strace has obnoxious bugs, and the maintainer(s) have been slow to fix it,
or to make it useful in pipelines and shell scripts.
strace may lag behind the addition of new system calls in the kernel.

Applying strace can change the *semantics* of the executable,
in ways that have mattered to me.  Sometimes the bug was fixed quickly:
   Lockup on wait on exited child with exited child

but sometimes the bugs linger unfixed for years:
   strace ignores int3 SIGTRAP
   [open for 3 years]
   RFE: add support to keep exit status of traced processes
   [open almost 5 years]


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