Orphaned packages not! (splat, gpsman, nec2c)

Steve Grubb sgrubb at redhat.com
Fri Jun 6 15:39:20 UTC 2008

On Friday 06 June 2008 10:16:42 Steve Conklin wrote:
> I only gave up maintaining some security packages when I left Red Hat,
> and I'm certainly still involved in Fedora and never intended to give up
> these packages.

This seems to be the crux of the problem. No built in orphaning process and we 
needed to start getting some updates on certain security packages.

> I didn't remove myself from these packages - someone else did it without
> checking with me.
> It was an accident, and I have no hard feelings toward anyone over this,

Yes, if you were still wanting to maintain a few of these, it was an accident 
and this would be my fault. I apologize for this. I checked a couple security 
packages that needs work and they had your old redhat address. So, I asked 
for your packages to be released so that we could continue working on them.

I guess the moral of the story to anyone else is if you leave Red Hat, please 
orphan your packages before you leave and/or add your external email address 
if you still want to be involved with certain packages.


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