Orphaned packages not! (splat, gpsman, nec2c)

Patrice Dumas pertusus at free.fr
Fri Jun 6 16:10:12 UTC 2008

On Fri, Jun 06, 2008 at 11:55:19AM -0400, Jesse Keating wrote:
> Part of the problem is the CLA entry.  Many Red Hat employees have a CLA
> attached to their account through the redhat_cla, that is part of their
> employment contract.  When they leave Red Hat, that contract is no
> longer valid, nor is their CLA status.  In actuality, this is true of
> any Fedora contributor that changes employers, we just have less
> visibility into that and assume the maintainer is doing the right thing
> wrt to their CLA status.

Maybe it could also be possible for some employees to go through regular
sponsorship and use the regular CLA. I understand that it is not always
possible, sometime redhat wants to hire somebody to work on packages
without going through the fedora formal process, but I think that
@redhat people interested in being part of the fedora community are
likely to be able to go through the fedora process (even though not when
they have just arrived).


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