Packaging openoffice extensions

Ville-Pekka Vainio vpivaini at
Sun Mar 9 09:12:05 UTC 2008

Alex Lancaster wrote:
> I would like to package ooolatex:
> have it available on F-7 and F-8, so it would be great if you could do
> an update of OOo for F-8 and F-7.

It's already possible to package extensions for F-7 and F-8, the packaging is 
just a bit ugly. You may want to take a look at for 
these releases, as I think it's the only OO.o extension that's currently 
packaged for anything else than Rawhide: 

The differences compared to what is done in Rawhide are:

1) You need to install the extension as an .oxt file, you can't extract it and 
you can't use the --link option with unopkg

2) Thus you need to disable the debuginfo package

3) You need some way of not letting unopkg to write root owned files into the   
user's home directory if the user calls rpm with sudo. I use a "temporary 
$HOME trick", but in Rawhide Caolan has something like this:
- INSTDIR=`/bin/mktemp -d --tmpdir unoinstall.XXXXXX`
- append -env:UserInstallation=file://$INSTDIR to the unopkg command

Ville-Pekka Vainio

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