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Jesse Keating jkeating at
Sun Mar 23 23:46:44 UTC 2008

On Mon, 2008-03-24 at 00:18 +0100, Denis Leroy wrote:
> The Logitech mice I have have always made any middle-click operation 
> somewhat awkward...
> Jesse out of curiosity, when you open a folder, at what ratio do you 
> decide to open into a new window versus opening in the same window (with 
>   either shift or middle-clicks) ? (I'm sure you can see where I'm going 
> with that question :-) ).

Depends on what I'm doing.  Here is a common scenario:

I open up the bookmark for the Samba share on the machine I do Fedora
composes on.  That's a normal double click.  I then middle click through
a couple folders to get to the top level compose dir.  Then it's a
normal double click into the specific compose dir, and one of each of
the arch folders, then middle click again into the iso/ dir.  That
generally leaves me with a folder for the composes, a folder for the
arches, and a folder for the isos all open, so that I can go back and
look at other arches, or other composes easily.  Also the windows all
open in convenient locations so that each is viewable and don't overlap.
Then I can easily right click on .iso files and burn them via nautilus.

Jesse Keating
Fedora -- All my bits are free, are yours?
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