few ideas how to make fedora better as a desktop

Chris Adams cmadams at hiwaay.net
Wed Mar 26 18:15:17 UTC 2008

Once upon a time, Les Mikesell <lesmikesell at gmail.com> said:
> Jonathan Underwood wrote:
> >> You can't just symlink /sbin to /bin, because that will blow up RPM
> >> very badly.
> >>
> >
> >Why's that? Could/should rpm not be fixed?
> Yes, anything that doesn't traverse symlinks transparently deserves to 
> be blown up.

It isn't the traversal that is the problem.  The problem is changing an
existing directory to a symlink.  For example, what if there are still
files in the directory?  Also, IIRC part of the problem was because rpm
installs all the new files and then removes the old ones (so how do you
install the new symlink while the old directory is there with lots of

Chris Adams <cmadams at hiwaay.net>
Systems and Network Administrator - HiWAAY Internet Services
I don't speak for anybody but myself - that's enough trouble.

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