Too many default services on

John Dennis jdennis at
Mon Mar 31 14:11:31 UTC 2008

Jóhann B. Guðmundsson wrote:
> There does not seemed to be any rule to whats enabled and what's not.
> Package maintainer's and or developers seem to decide for them self 
> whether service
> is enabled/disabled by default.

My understanding is rpm's which install a service do *not* start the 
service in %post via chkconfig for all the reasons cited in the thread 
(i.e. the sys admin or owner decides what should be running, how it's 
configured,e etc. merely installing an rpm should not start a hidden 
service). There are a minority of exceptions, services which must run to 
make the system usable, these are well known. It is permissible to 
perform a condrestart in %post, but this is just respecting the existing 
configuration on the box.

These are the guidelines as I've always understood them. I wonder if 
part of the problem lies in the new LSB blocks which have been added to 
many initscripts without a complete understanding of what some of the 
boilerplate actually does, e.g. Default-Start.

John Dennis <jdennis at>

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