FESCo Proposal for blocking older version of autoconf & automake

Wes Hardaker wjhns174 at hardakers.net
Tue May 6 14:09:54 UTC 2008

>>>>> On Mon, 5 May 2008 21:50:30 -0600, "Jerry James" <loganjerry at gmail.com> said:

JJ> Actually, we did update it on the 21.5 (beta) branch quite awhile ago.
JJ> It's true that the 21.4 (stable) branch has never been updated,
JJ> though.

In second thought, that really brings up one of my primary points:
People don't like upgrading autoconf version usage on old branches
because it brings about unknown effects a lot of the time.  IE, it's
simply not safe to do without heavy understanding and testing.  It's
like adding a feature; you don't do it on stable releases because it
can't be trusted.

And thus, if we want developers to use fedora we should distribute
multiple versions of the development tools when version updates have
potentially large ramifications.
"In the bathtub of history the truth is harder to hold than the soap,
 and much more difficult to find."  -- Terry Pratchett

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