SWFdec vs Gnash (also gcjwebplugin)

Bill Nottingham notting at redhat.com
Thu May 15 15:33:46 UTC 2008

Patrice Dumas (pertusus at free.fr) said: 
> > Note that another issue in swfdec's favor is gst-missing-plugins support.
> I searched google with  gst-missing-plugins but didn't found anything
> relevant. Is there a web page for that?
> Also there was adiscussion about that on the gnash mailing list if I
> recall well, and there may be people not willing to help proprietary
> codecs, but I don't remember well.

It's not proprietary, it's any codecs that aren't installed. The
gstreamer side has zero implementation details as to where codecs
are installed from.


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