Flash 10 in 64-bit F9: does it work?

Chris Adams cmadams at hiwaay.net
Sun Nov 9 19:49:45 UTC 2008

Once upon a time, Jos Vos <jos at xos.nl> said:
> OK, I found the problem: it seems like flash 10 needs libcurl.i386.
> I found this hint in some Ubuntu forum, IIRC.  Maybe it has to be
> documented too on the Fedora Wiki.

Would it make sense for libflashsupport to "Require: libcurl.so.4" then?
It is a hack, but libflashsupport in general is a hack, so it would seem
to be the best place for this (since the flash-plugin RPM itself is not
requiring the needed dependencies).

Chris Adams <cmadams at hiwaay.net>
Systems and Network Administrator - HiWAAY Internet Services
I don't speak for anybody but myself - that's enough trouble.

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