RFC: fix summary text for lots of packages

Chuck Anderson cra at WPI.EDU
Thu Nov 20 19:48:14 UTC 2008

On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 10:01:14AM -0900, Jeff Spaleta wrote:
> PackageKit is the store
> the Package groups are the Aisle
> The package name is the brand of headache medince
> The package description is the fine print on the bottle
> What's the summary?

The sign above the aisle that says "headache medicine"?  Or perhaps 
the sign on the shelf itself?

Or, it could be the smaller title below the brand name on the bottle 
that says "headache and pain relief".  Generally the brand name is the 
most prominent title, which would suggest that the Package Name should 
be larger/more prominent in PackageKit than the Summary.

This smells similar to the GenericName vs. Name argument in desktop 

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