RFC: fix summary text for lots of packages

Nicolas Mailhot nicolas.mailhot at laposte.net
Sun Nov 23 08:40:20 UTC 2008

Le samedi 22 novembre 2008 à 21:53 -0500, Tom Lane a écrit :

> So there are at least a couple of points here: first, we lack any
> infrastructure for identifying a "core" group of subpackages that might
> be reasonable to install if the user just clicks on "MySQL",

Of course we have, that's called comps groups and we've even pressured
the PK author to add comps support to his stuff recently.

However while I'm personnaly in favour of creating groups for any set of
closely related packages we can identify (even if they're just a
handful), FPC and FESCO have resisted attempts to get them to look at
our comps files. They've dumped it all on Bill Nottingham and he's of
the "less groups = less anaconda work" camp.

Nicolas Mailhot
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