Fedora Release Engineering Meeting Recap 2008-11-24

John Poelstra poelstra at redhat.com
Tue Nov 25 20:17:38 UTC 2008

Recap and full IRC transcript found here:

Please make corrections and clarifications to the wiki page.

== Fedora 10 ==
* In good shape for release of Fedora 10 tomorrow
* Fedora 10 zero day updates are ready to go
* f13: one thing I was toying with is when we branch and freeze, making 
the development/ path continue on with say F12 content, and start 
publishing the F11 content to releases/11/Everything/

== Fedora 11 Schedule ==
* need to make sure F12 branching is visible
* finding ways to reduce package churn
* QA team monitoring status of features during release
* proposal at 
* poelcat to make adjustments to proposed schedule and republish
*# move alpha freeze forward one week
*# move alpha release forward one week
*# remove critical package freeze from schedule
*# offset feature freeze and beta freeze by one week
* vote on schedule to present to FESCo next week

== IRC Transcript ==

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