tab completion less useful now, due to sbin in path

Matthew Miller mattdm at
Tue Oct 7 04:09:08 UTC 2008

On Mon, Oct 06, 2008 at 10:22:08PM -0400, James Antill wrote:
>  Apparently Matthew doesn't want firstboot in his path, that's nice ...
> but what about if someone else does want it, do we start voting, for
> each binary?

And speaking of bikeshed painting. If you can't even bother to inform
yourself about your simple example, then you're really not contributing to
the discussion in any way. The answer to your rhetorical question is simple:
*no one* wants firstboot in their path:

  $ /usr/sbin/firstboot 
  firstboot ERROR: You must be root to run firstboot.

That can pretty much stand in analogy for the entire rest of whatever you
had to say. 

No, we don't start voting. We put things where it's sensible. That's usually
incredibly obvious, and where it's a more difficult case, we make a decision
based on a reasonable policy. Like with, say, "does it even work as
non-root" as one element. Crazy talk, I know, but there you have it.

Matthew Miller <mattdm at>
Senior Systems Architect 
Cyberinfrastructure Labs
Computing & Information Technology 
Harvard School of Engineering & Applied Sciences

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