Fedora 8 and 9 updates status

Peter Robinson pbrobinson at gmail.com
Sat Sep 6 16:18:24 UTC 2008

>> As you well know, we have been working hard to get updates for 8 and 9
>> flowing again, complete with new package signing keys.  Discussion has
>> been somewhat quiet on this front as we've all had our heads down and
>> have been working hard toward a solution, one that involves little to no
>> manual effort on behalf of our users.
>> Today we've reached a major milestone in this progress.  We have done a
>> successful compose of all the existing and as of yesterday pending
>> updates for Fedora 8 and Fedora 9, all signed with our new keys.  These
>> updates will soon hit mirrors in a new set of directory locations.  What
>> we don't have quite yet is the updated fedora-release package in the old
>> updates location that will get you the new keys and the new repo
>> locations.  The last mile testing of this update requires that new
>> updates be live on the mirrors.
>> Due to the size of the resigned updates, it may take a good while for
>> our sync process.  This may delay getting the new fedora-release out
>> until tomorrow, but we'll be working hard on it.
>> While we're working on this update, we'll also be drafting a FAQ page to
>> explain to users what it is that we're doing, and hopefully answer some
>> of the questions that will come up.  This document will be living
>> though, and as you encounter questions yourself, or questions via one of
>> our many avenues of support (email, IRC, forums, LUGS, etc..) please
>> help us in growing that document.  Announcements regarding the location
>> of said document and how to help with content will be coming shortly.
>> We deeply appreciate the enormous magnitude of patience you the greater
>> community has shown us the Fedora project as we work though these
>> serious issues.  It is a great testament to how wonderful it is to work
>> in and with the Fedora community.
> First, thanks for all the work to get this back on track.
> I went and got the new spins of qt-4.4. Now I can't install the because I
> don't have the new key. I realize I could turn off the key, but after last
> month, that seems dicier than it used to be.
> In any event, is the new key for updates 9 available someplace. I realize
> it'll be part of fedora release eventually. But the public key itself, is it
> out there someplace now?

I think its part of the new fedora-release package and is available on
the fedora project site here http://fedoraproject.org/keys.html


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