Proposal: Split Fedora into sub-distributions

Lyos Gemini Norezel lyos.gemininorezel at
Sun Sep 7 11:13:16 UTC 2008

Lyos Gemini Norezel wrote:
> Fedora-Mainstream - For mainstream (ie., 'idiot') users... the types 
> of people who buy a $399 Wal-mart POS and expect it to 'Just Work' 
> forever.
>       Fedora-Mini- Generic group for all 'miniature' Fedora 
> distributions... of which I'm sure I'm missing several.
>    --Fedora-Embedded - Self explanatory I suspect
>    --Fedora-Low-Bandwidth - For people on low bandwidth connections... 
> this group would be primarily focused on 'how long will this take to 
> download?'

*Sigh*... my formatting skills are evidently lacking... the above should 

Fedora-Mainstream - For mainstream (ie., 'idiot') users... the types of 
people who buy a $399 Wal-mart POS and expect it to 'Just Work' forever.

Fedora-Mini- Generic group for all 'miniature' Fedora distributions... 
of which I'm sure I'm missing several.
   --Fedora-Embedded - Self explanatory I suspect
   --Fedora-Low-Bandwidth - For people on low bandwidth connections... 
this group would be primarily focused on 'how long will this take to 

Lyos Gemini Norezel

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