Banned from Fedora Forums

Arthur Pemberton pemboa at
Tue Sep 9 19:21:38 UTC 2008

On Tue, Sep 9, 2008 at 1:05 PM, Richard Hughes <hughsient at> wrote:
> I've just been banned from the Fedora Forums [1].
> I've been asking users with PackageKit bugs to report them upstream on
> the mailing list or in bugzilla, explaining what common error messages
> mean, and how to fix other problems.
> This, it turns out isn't what the forums are for. I guess it's just for
> uniformed users telling less informed users how to "fix" things. My
> mistake.
> I won't be even reading the forums anymore, and consider the couple of
> hours I spent on the forums answering questions and educating users
> about PackageKit wasted.
> These are all the posts I've made on the forum if you want to check any
> of my messages:
> A few of them are pretty blunt, but the personal critique of my skills
> as a programmer [2] and PackageKit is pretty blunt too (especially by a
> "Community Manager").

I have no knowledge of the situation at hand, however I would like to
just say. If you need something specific tested, send an email to the
fedora-test-list. I monitor that list for atomic tests that I can take
some time out of the day and run on my rawhide box.

More on topic, I wasn't aware that people were having issues with
packagekit, it hasn't gotten in my way as yet on 3 machines with F9.

Fedora 9 : sulphur is good for the skin
( )

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