Why I'll leave fedora (french speaking people only) [1]

Jon Stanley jonstanley at gmail.com
Sat Sep 13 23:18:58 UTC 2008

On Sun, Sep 7, 2008 at 3:23 PM, Jeff Spaleta <jspaleta at gmail.com> wrote:

> Setting aside the specific people and problems bubbling up right now.
> Would it make sense for  the Board to try to take up the issue of some
> sort of established process to follow when there are language barriers
> getting in the way of normal dispute resolution?  So we can try to get
> ahead this sort of situation when it happens again.

Apologies for not seeing this earlier, just catching up on some old
mail that I have neglected :(.  I'm not sure that the Board needs to
make a policy for this sort of thing, it (hopefully) doesn't happen
often and can be dealt with on a case-by-case basis when it does.
Though reaching out earlier than the point that it becomes a crisis
would be helpful.

> I can imagine that this might be a place where our Ambassador pool can
> be called on to act as mediators/arbitration if the are willing to
> take on that role.

I think that this is an excellent idea, and had thought of the same
myself in this particular situation. Has anyone reached out to the
ambassadors to deal with the situation at hand?

I'm looking at a rawhide install right now with the man-pages-fr conflict :(

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