please deactivate services by default!

Patrice Dumas pertusus at
Thu Sep 25 20:37:18 UTC 2008

On Thu, Sep 25, 2008 at 03:15:35PM -0500, Matthew Woehlke wrote:
> Bill Nottingham wrote:
>> Sure, but...
>> - If you're just installing a single-user desktop, there's not really
>>   a usage case for a local mail delivery agent
> Let's see, there's logwatch, smartctl, cron, *my nightly backups*... :-)  
> (Oh, and apcupsd for some users.)

They need /usr/sbin/sendmail, it is up to the user to choose the
corresponding package, configure it, and set it up as he wants.

> (I'm actually serious. If you're going to break cron and logwatch, why  
> keep syslogd around? I'd love to see a reasonable argument for keeping  
> one and not the other.)

In any case syslogd is much more important since it is used by many
programs. cron is used by less programs, but still it is used by pretty
important applications. 

I really can't see why logwatch should be installed in the default 
case, however, and even less why it should be activated. I hope it isn't
the case...


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