kde leaked file descriptors: call for help

John Reiser jreiser at BitWagon.com
Thu Apr 16 18:44:51 UTC 2009

Rex Dieter wrote:
> selinux policy denials have long id'd kde's konsole app to be leaking file
> descriptors. ...

Running under valgrind (memcheck) can help, but is costly in time and space.
"strace -f -e trace=open,close,dup,dup2" may help, and has reasonable overhead.
Setting O_CLOEXEC in every open(), except the ones you "know"
need to keep the fd open over execve(), can help you do a binary search.
Setting O_CLOEXEC may also mask the underlying logical problem, so beware.

> Unfortunatley, upstream developers, so far, haven't been able to reproduce
> the problem.

Neither https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=484370
nor http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=180785
mention anybody who can reproduce it.  So document *every* suspected instance.


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