My first DontZap use case while testing F11 beta

Mark markg85 at
Sat Apr 18 20:07:18 UTC 2009

> So, how much is Microsoft paying you guys?  Anyone who has been
> posting to this thread who has been receiving kickback money, please
> let us know how much you are getting.

You're going a little paranoid now i think.
Also if you want to get it back the old way (like i do) you don't need
to pay 1 cent. Just fork it but think of the consequences if you
do. is huge.

I really wonder why this change isn't reverted yet.. there are so many
opposed to this new dontzap default that some Xorg devs just don't
seem or want to listen.
O and btw i had my first Xorg dontzap issue as well. luckily a CTRL +
ALT + F# followed by a killall appname solved it and x worked fine

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