Getting rid of /usr for F12?

Matej Cepl mcepl at
Mon Apr 20 11:36:12 UTC 2009

On 2009-04-16, 23:58 GMT, Lennart Poettering wrote:
> In the past more and more stuff has been moved from /usr to /. 

I have this in /:

bin         The Right Thing to have
dev         The Right Thing to have
home        The Right Thing to have
lib64       Oh well, multilib junk
media       mostly empty, somehow good to have
opt         empty, could be useful for some weirdos
root        hmm, why don't we have /home/root ?
selinux     shouldn't it be /sys/selinux ?
sys         hopeless effort to eliminate /proc
boot        necessary for many booting scenarios
etc         The Right Thing to have
lib         probably as well
lost+found  FS related
mnt         historical reasons, conflicts with /media
proc        The Right Thing to have
sbin        probably good to have
srv         good for servers, we should suppport it more IMHO
tmp         The Right Thing to have
var         The Right Thing to have

I see only /selinux and /sys as strange (and probably needless), 
/opt questionable, and /mnt and /media as conflicting; otherwise, 
I don't see big push to root.

What are you talking about?


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