Getting rid of /usr for F12?

Juha Tuomala Juha.Tuomala at
Mon Apr 20 19:02:59 UTC 2009

On Monday 20 April 2009 21:37:35 Jesse Keating wrote:
> On Mon, 2009-04-20 at 21:21 +0300, Juha Tuomala wrote:
> > 
> > searching configuration files under /srv/etc for example and letting 
> > them to override the system ones? I guess looking and reading doesn't qualify
> > as "hands on" something, does it? :-)
> Search where though, and in what order, and how deep?  

I guess it doesn't matter where if you can somehow have the configs
there and keep them safe, like apache's case in /srv/etc/httpd/*
would be enough. It would be on the same filesystem. Everyone can 
find those dir names from scripts.

> And where do you
> define where in /srv/ to look for the config file, in
> the /etc/rc.d/init.d/<foo> file?  (which is back in etc again...)

It sounds like there should first be a specification and
then we should implement it. That would be nice, but unfortunately
there isn't. This industry has plenty of examples from de-facto
implementations until they are formally standardized.

> /srv/ is hands off, undefined layout to be managed by the local admin,
> period.  We can't make any assumptions about what is in there, nor how
> it is being used.

If shell looks under /srv in addition to /etc/profile.d it would allow
local admins use it. If they choose not to, they should do nothing. Such
improvement could even be switched off in some /etc/sysconfig file easily.
I don't see how it would intrude their autonomous area if it wont 
force them into anything.

The whole point of /srv is to have your server's role data in single 
location for obvious reasons. I can imagine that people running Fedora 
as server would appreciate such option due more frequent upgrades.


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