The Great Pulseaudio Mixer Debate: a modest (productive) proposal

Bastien Nocera bnocera at
Fri Apr 24 18:23:22 UTC 2009

On Fri, 2009-04-24 at 11:03 -0700, Adam Williamson wrote:
> So, in the spirit of light rather than heat, here's my proposal, again,
> rescued from the depths of the flamefest, with some actual work
> attached.
> So my proposal is that we include by default an alternative GUI app
> which allows direct access to the mixer channels.

I don't agree with including it by default. Document it in the release
notes (or rather, update the notes, they already have some notes about
that). We _want_ to know what use cases we missed, and which ones are
worth supporting in gnome-volume-control.

> I just pulled the latest code out of git and threw together a package
> (based on the spec from Mandriva, since I had it lying around).

You could base it on the gnome-media spec file from F10 as well.


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