Abandon "Default Desktop"

Ben Boeckel MathStuf at gmail.com
Mon Apr 27 15:34:38 UTC 2009

Hash: SHA1

Mathieu Bridon (bochecha) wrote:

> Hi,
>> I propose that we stop referring to and ship a 
"Default desktop" but
>> instead will start
>> referring to their project name instead.
>> AFAIK what would be required to accomplish this is 
change all
>> documentation and filenames to refer to Gnome 
desktop instead of Default
>> desktop, Fedora desktop or just Desktop and make 
minor changes to
>> Anaconda.
> You would also have to make it so that the "GNOME 
desktop" group is
> not checked by default when installing with a DVD 
(change in comps.xml
> if I'm not mistaken)
> But wait, that means that a new user without any 
skill will have no
> desktop installed if he doesn't check this box 
himself. I'm not sure
> the effect on them will be positive ;)
> IMHO, we need to have a checked checkbox bu default 
in installation,
> which means we need to choose a desktop environment 
and make it the
> default.
How about page (or put it into an existing page) with a 
set of radio buttons for which DE to install? GNOME, 
KDE, XFCE, None, etc. This way every user sees it, 
there's only bias in which of these is default (which 
is a lower bias than having to go into the huge list 
and switch checkmarks).

> That doesn't mean we treat other desktop environments 
as if they were
> second class citizens, but that's not the point you 
are raising here.
Probably should be raised as well, but I agree, that is 
something for another thread.

> Regards,
> ----------
> Mathieu Bridon (bochecha)

- --Ben

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