RFE: Makefile.common patch to error out when no spec is present

Toshio Kuratomi a.badger at gmail.com
Mon Apr 27 22:30:03 UTC 2009

Christopher Aillon wrote:
> I think checking out release modules still needs to be possible.  If
> that means we need to use a read-only mirror to facilitate this, I'd be
> okay with it, but not being able to check out a tree is a pretty bad
> regression that I just ran into.  For the record, it would make doing
> moz security updates much more scriptable as I don't need to rely on
> people telling me when their packages need to be added/dropped to the
> auto rebuilds.
I think we'd need a new script to enable this.  Checking out, editing,
and committing the modules file was responsible for making mass
branching take over two days (rather than ~ 4 hours) two releases ago.
So having a separate mirror for people looking to checkout a release
module is only half of the work... populating it is what we really need
to figure out.


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