Updates lacking descriptions

Jesse Weinstein jesse at wefu.org
Thu Aug 13 04:56:55 UTC 2009

Richard W.M. Jones <rjones <at> redhat.com> writes:
> It should fall back to taking the description from the changelog (in
> fact, I think it already does that right now).
Where would I find the changelog? It's not visibly connected either to the
description that shows up along with the update, or on the
admin.fedoraproject.org page that is linked from there.

And, what can I do to help get descriptions added for the 4 updates
I mentioned?  

How can I find contact info for the submitters of those updates, or
is there someone else who can add descriptions?

Thanks to everyone who responded -- I'm glad that this is a live 
issue, and that some maintainers are careful to provide useful and
complete update descriptions.

Thanks again,


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