Last call for talking points - what makes you excited about F12?

Mel Chua mel at
Tue Aug 18 17:02:46 UTC 2009

>> (
>> (Feel free to push back if this schedule sounds unreasonable, btw; it
>> probably could use some patches for the next cycle in terms of having
>> more time for getting dev feedback.)
> The schedule itself might have been fine but it still looks rather early
> to me. If you want to collect feedback from developers, one day is
> definitely not going to be enough. Atleast three days or so needs to be
> provided and you usually need more than one reminder to get as much
> feedback as you can. Otherwise you are going to end up with a rather
> small list which is not meaningful.

Yep. I agree completely - time for developer/admin feedback isn't built 
into the marketing schedule, but should be.

I'll make sure this gets changed for F13. 
( Thanks for 
the feedback on feedback. :)


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