Validity of the CD size limit nowadays [Re: Features/ArchitectureSupport - changing what we build for]

Muayyad AlSadi alsadi at
Sun Feb 1 03:00:14 UTC 2009

I used to have a row image of a hard disk (for qemu) 4.1GB in size
saved on FAT32

we (in have built a livecd of oo.o based on fedora (gnome)
most of the packages are from fedora except oo.o which I built to cut
off some java features from oo.o to save the size of gcj

and of course it have only one langpack installed
my guess that full liveDVD is a bad thing because for installation one
can't select packages
and if a small scratch hit it the entire system can't be installed

while with usual dvd if file-roller*.rpm was damaged you can unselect
it and download it later
a good tradeoff might be a liveDVD/USB spin with about 1GB

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