Features/ArchitectureSupport - changing what we build for

Bill Nottingham notting at redhat.com
Mon Feb 2 19:08:07 UTC 2009

Jason L Tibbitts III (tibbs at math.uh.edu) said: 
> BN> "the only statistics we have available".
> "are flawed".  Don't quote them at all if you know they aren't
> correct.  That's my only point here.

Best available. The only statement to the otherwise is unsubstantiated
by any statistics, so it very well could be off just by a factor of two,
which still makes the number pretty insignificant. Unless you say
that our one statistic is flawed, so we should just give in to hearsay

Also, the usage cases that Warren stated *are not the usage cases
mentioned that I was responding to*, anyway.


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