RFC: Disabling blinking cursor by default

Thomas Moschny thomas.moschny at gmail.com
Tue Feb 3 18:38:10 UTC 2009

2009/2/3 Felix Miata <mrmazda at ij.net>:
> Efficiency isn't always what it appears. Foo's car is most efficient at
> 50KPH, so efficiency dictates that's the speed he should drive. Bar's car is
> most efficient at 45KPH, so that's how fast efficiency dictates he drive. May
> car is most efficient at 57KPH, so that's the speed efficiency dictates I
> drive. The speed limit is 50KPH. The road, which is the exclusive path
> between origin and destination of Foo, Bar and me, is one lane wide for each
> direction. Foo's, Bar's & my direction are the same, and our desired ETAs
> preclude driving while the other two are not enroute. What is more efficient?

Meet, use your car for Foo, Bar and yourself, and divide the speeding
ticket by three.

Thomas Moschny <thomas.moschny at gmail.com>

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