Features/ArchitectureSupport - x86_64 kernel 32 bit userspace

drago01 drago01 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 26 13:18:48 UTC 2009

On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 11:54 AM, Roberto Ragusa <mail at robertoragusa.it> wrote:
> Bill Nottingham wrote:
>> - install x86_64 kernel on 32-bit OS where appropriate
> This is really exciting, but I remember to have read somewhere of
> some compatibility issues.

Should work (solaris had a similar setup and they supported it)

> In particular, could someone report success/failure for the nvidia
> binary module?
> Is it true that the x86_64 kernel part depends on x86_64 GL/X11 part
> which depends on x86_64 X11, which depends on x86_64 glibc... and so
> the system is basically being entirely switched to x86_64?

No, but imho if you have a x86_64 capable machine you should be using x86_64

> I know the policy about binary modules: the vendors have to cope
> with their problems and Fedora will not slow down to help them.
> But it looks interesting anyway to know for sure what happens.
> Any other similar problems to investigate?
> I think free stuff is compatible or fixable (kvm? fuse? openjdk? ...),

kvm should work fine, same for fuse.
dunno why you ask about openjdk its just a regular userspace app.

> but there is also widely used proprietary software
> (ATI closed source driver? vmware? ...).

No idea, but they should be fine too. (besides nobody is stopping you
from using a i586 if you really need/want that or just move to x86_64
;) )

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