TeX font package naming guidelines

Sarantis Paskalis paskalis at di.uoa.gr
Wed Jan 14 11:09:57 UTC 2009


Recently an effort has begun to the system infrastructure in fedora 
aware of each font shipped, and this shipment explicit mostly through 

Two of my packages are fonts primarily intended for LaTeX 
(tetex-font-kerkis and tetex-font-cm-lgc).  The guidelines suggest 
splitting the package in the Type 1 font files and TeX-support files.

The font-related part is mostly sorted out (see 
https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=477461 )

The TeX-related part consists of files (.sty, .tfm, .ovf, etc) to 
support the use of these fonts in LaTeX.  

Now, the draft for font naming guidelines suggests the srpm name to 
changed from tetex-font-cm-lgc to ctan-cm-lgc-fonts (to which I agree).

The reason for this email is the last line in the proposed table, where 
the TeX related subpackage is to be named ctan-cm-lgc-tex.  I think this 
is inconsistent with the rest of the TeX world in fedora and would like 
some feedback as to what name would be preferable.

My preference would be to put tex as a prefix and drop ctan as in 
tex-cm-lgc as it is rather obvious for TeX-related stuff; afterall we 
don't have many perl-cpan-perlmodule packages) 

What do other TeX packagers prefer?

P.S. The only hint I found at existing guidelines is that the prefix 
tex- is preferable 

-- Sarantis

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